Swine Vaccinations
These vaccine recommendations are considered to be general recommendations for swine raised for 4-H, FFA, or as part of a hobby farm. All vaccine protocols should be tailored to the needs of your animals and should be made after consulting with a veterinarian. Large scale swine producers should consult with a veterinarian regarding the best vaccine protocols for your production system. The vaccines listed below are those brands currently carried by our clinic. There may be other vaccine products that cover similar diseases. Please contact the clinic if you have questions regarding vaccine recommendations for your farm.
At birth:
Iron injection
3 days:
Rhinishield (Erysipelas, Bordetella, Pasteurella)
Weaning (3-6 weeks):
3-Flex (PRRS, Mycoplasma, Circovirus)
Rhinishield (Erysipelas, Bordetella, Pasteurella)
10-12 weeks:
Rhinishield (Erysipelas, Bordetella, Pasteurella)
**Influenza vaccination is recommended for all show pigs. Many 4-H fairs will administer this vaccine prior to the show. Please contact the clinic if you have questions regarding Influenza vaccination.
3-Flex (PRRS, Mycoplasma, Circovirus), given 5 weeks before breeding
Farrowsure (Erysipelas, Parvo, Leptospirosis), give two doses 3-5 weeks apart with the second dose given 2 weeks before breeding
LitterGuard (E. coli, Clostridium C)
Farrowsure (Erysipelas, Parvo, Leptospirosis)
LitterGuard (E. coli, Clostridium C)
Farrowsure (Erysipelas, Parvo, Leptospirosis)
3-Flex (PRRS, Mycoplasma, Circovirus)
Farrowsure (Erysipelas, Parvo, Leptospirosis)